
7Horse Songs For a Voodoo Wedding Quotes

“7Horse make sweet music on ‘Songs for a Voodoo Wedding’”—Pittsburgh In Tune

“They have a unique sound with skill behind it. It's a refreshing meld of influences in a danceable upbeat dark rock” --The Examiner

“Songs for a Voodoo Wedding’ are back alley tales, gin joint anecdotes and street corner legend with throw back blues playing which would make Robert Johnson stand up and profess his love to 7Horse” – Innocent Words

”their musical chemistry is clear throughout the album” – Celebrity Café

“Glorious noise” – Campus Circle

“an earthy batch of blues-rockin' cosmic Americana that will appeal to fans of other duos like the Black Keys, or going back a ways, Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper” – AntiMusic

” 7Horse has already cast the spell for you with their album “Songs for a Voodoo Wedding” –Examiner.com

“7Horse delivers a commendably intense, vibrant and complex album with Songs For A Voodoo Wedding, and in doing so they clearly mark out their space and dare any to approach. Great individual songwriting is the foundation of everything they do and their instrumental style follows their thoughts into new, dark and outrageous spaces. Classics to the core” – Rust Magazine

“This “take no shit” persona is what makes 7Horse so bad ass and have swing... Rock n’ Roll is supposed to swing!” – RockBandsofLA

“7Horse, embarked on their journey into cosmic country and dirty blues” -BuzzBandsLA

“Filled with the gritty rock vocals mixed with sweet blues melodies and soulful lyrics, 7Horse has produced an amazing record that speaks to the soul” – On Request Magazine

“Crafting intelligent and astounding rock” -The Desert News